Ph.D., | University of Texas at Austin, | (2002) |
M.S., | University of Texas at Austin, | (1998) |
Diploma, | RWTH Aachen, Germany, | (1997) |
Professor and Department Head
Director, Jackson Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Department of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Phone: (518) 276-2138
Fax: (518) 276-3035
Email: hahnj@rpi.edu
Dr. Hahn's research focuses on the development of new systems analysis techniques and their application in systems biology as well as for traditional chemical engineering processes. Special emphasis is placed on methods for nonlinear systems that can take into account significant levels of uncertainty in the model. Applications of these techniques include sensitivity analysis of signal transduction pathways, biomarker identification for autism spectrum disorder, model reduction for controller design, and experimental and sensor network design.
Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Process Control, 2020-
Editor, Optimal Control, Applications and Methods, 2020-2023
Editor, Processes, 2018-2020
Editor, Journal of Process Control, 2013-2016
Associate Editor, Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022-
Associate Editor, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing, 2020-
Associate Editor, Processes, 2015-2020
Associate Editor, Journal of Process Control, 2010-2013, 2016-2020
Associate Editor, Automatica, 2011-2014
Associate Editor, Control Engineering Practice, 2007-
European Academy of Sciences and Arts, 2025
Chair, BMES Council of Chairs, 2024
BMES Fellow, 2022
AIChE Fellow, 2020
IEEE CSS Board of Governors, 2016
Trustee of Computer Aids in Chemical Engineering (CACHE), 2014-
AIMBE Fellow, 2013
CAST Outstanding Young Researcher Award, 2010
Ray Nesbitt Development Professorship II, 2010
Keller Faculty Fellowship, 2008
Brockett Professorship, 2008
CPC 7 Outstanding Contributed Paper Award, 2006
Outstanding Reviewer, Automatica, 2005, 2006, 2007
Best Referee Award, Journal of Process Control, 2004
William S. Livingston Graduate Fellowship, 2001
David Bruton, Jr. Graduate Fellowship, 2000
Springorum Medal, 1998
Fulbright Scholarship, 1995
F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, K. Hanagan, D.-W. Kang, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, and J. Hahn. Multivariate Analysis of Fecal Metabolites from Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms. Journal of Personalized Medicine 10, No. 4, 152 (2020)
T. Vargason, R.E. Frye, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. Clustering of Co-occurring Conditions in Autism Spectrum Disorder during Early Childhood: A Retrospective Analysis of Medical Claims Data. Autism Research 12, No. 8, pp. 1272-1285 (2019)
T. Vargason, U. Kruger, E. Roth, L.M. Delhey, M. Tippett, S. Rose, S.C. Bennuri, J.C. Slattery, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. Comparison of Three Clinical Trial Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder through Multivariate Analysis of Changes in Metabolic Profiles and Adaptive Behavior. Front. Cell. Neurosci. 12:503 (2018)
D.P. Howsmon, U. Kruger, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, and J. Hahn. Classification and Adaptive Behavior Prediction of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder based upon Multivariate Data Analysis of Markers of Oxidative Stress and DNA Methylation. PLoS Computational Biology 13(3): e1005385 (2017)
J.A. Jones, V.R. Vernacchio, A.L. Sinkoe, S.M. Collins, M.H. Ibrahim, D.M. Lachance, J. Hahn, M.A. Koffas. Experimental and Computational Optimization of an Escherichia Coli Co-culture for the Efficient Production of Flavonoids. Metabolic Engineering 35, pp. 55-63 (2016)
P. Zhang, W. Dai, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. Drosophila Ncd Reveals an Evolutionarily Conserved Powerstroke Mechanism for Homodimeric and Heterodimeric Kinesin-14s. PNAS 112, No. 20, pp. 6359-6364 (2015)